Mount Kailash

Abode of Lord Shiva and the source of the Brahmaputra, Indus, Sutlej, and Karnali rivers, Mount Kailash is the sanctum sanctorum that is referred to as the centre of the world and the stairway to heaven. The supremely sacred mountain is situated in the southwestern part of Tibet,China, bordering the Kumaon region of India - the point where heaven meets earth.

Like it’s said, “Universe is under no obligation to make sense to humans.” Sometimes we have to believe in the unbelievable; that is when we surrender to the supreme. Mount Kailash is one such place on earth that has been universally accepted as divine for many reasons

The Mysteries Of Mount Kailash

1.Significance Of Mount Kailash In Different Religions

Considered Sanctum Sanctorum of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Bon religion, Mount Kailash is revered by all. Hindus worship Kailash as an abode of Shiva. Tibetan Buddhists consider it a representation of Buddhist cosmology on the earth. For Jains, the place holds significance as the founder of their religion, Rishabh, attained spiritual awakening here. Boms believe that their founder landed at Kailash when he descended from heaven. No matter how different religions find their spiritual connection with Mount Kailash, the core essence is that the precious snow mountain is universally accepted as DIVINE.

2.Discovered As The Center Of The World

According to the research of various scientists, it has been stated that Mount Kailash is the axis of rotation of the celestial sphere. Having mentioned in Vedas and mythological book, Ramayana, Kailash Parvat has also been scientifically discovered as the axis Mundi. Various studies have proven that the quintessential divine peak is the centre of the world and is connected to significant monuments around the globe. The historic landmark in England, Stonehenge, is 6666 km away from here. The same dimension goes with the North Pole, which is also 6666 km from the Mount and the distance doubles exactly with the South Pole, which is exactly 13332 km away from the peak.

3.No Human Could Ever Climb To The Peak

No Many daring mountaineers have attempted to make their way to the peak of Kailash Parvat, but no one could ever make it to the abode of Shiva. According to Hindu scriptures, meddling with the divinity of the sacred Mount is a forbidden act as this can disturb the Godhead, Lord Shiva Kailash, who resides in the mountain with his consort and Nandi. With the record of unsuccessful attempts at the summit, Mount Kailash remained unexplored to date. Rough weather, altitude sickness, diverging in the wrong direction, and misleading trails are some hindrances that deter even the toughest trekkers. Something strange happened to climbers. For example, In 1999, 4 climbers tried to climb the mount. These 4 climbers grow old quickly in 2 years, and 2 of them passed away in 2 years.

4. A Stairway Between Heaven And Earth

As mentioned in Vedas, the holy scriptures of Hindus, Mount Kailash is a stairway between heaven and earth. According to Mahabharata, the Pandavas climbed Mount Kailash to attain Moksha with their sole consort, Draupadi. On their way to heaven, everyone except Yudhishthira slipped one by one while climbing up the cliff. It is believed that the door to heaven opened only for Yudhishthira. The four slopes of the pyramid-shaped Kailash Parvat face the four directions of the compass, which makes it the epitome of perfection. The disciples firmly believe that it is the gateway to heaven.

5.Taking A Leap Into Time

Another astounding fact of Lord Shiva’s Kailash is time travelling which suggests that the air in the mountain renders to the rapid ageing process. This transtemporal travel claim is backed by a story of climbers from Siberia. After trespassing the forbidden line, the group of climbers experienced ageing by a few decades. All these climbers died within a year's time due to the leap of age. This in itself raises curiosity and leaves us in bewilderment. Also, trekkers and pilgrims who visit Kailash Parvat say that they have noticed a rapid growth of the nails and hair while trekking and even after returning from the holy mountain. Whether people believe this or not, the gospel truth can be witnessed in the growth that happens in weeks in hours at Kailash. That’s real-time travelling, right?


6.The Uncanny Resemblance Of The Lakes With Sun And Moon

Home to two holy lakes, Mansarovar and Rakshas Tal, these two pristine lakes are located at the foot of Mount Kailash. The sight to behold! One can witness the extraordinary creation of God. The highest freshwater lake in the world, Mansarovar holds deep spiritual significance owing to the holiness and shape that resembles the sun, while Rakshas Tal is believed to have emerged out of Ravana’s intense austerities to please Lord Shiva and is endowed with salty water and resembles the crescent moon. Both the lakes personify the light and dark, the positive and the negative energies that envelop the earth. Every year, many devotees pilgrimage to Mansarovar believed to release them from sins and cure them of diseases.

7.The Pyramid Shaped Mount Looks Unnatural

For centuries, the pyramid-shaped Mount Kailash has captivated many scientists for research on the mystifying secrets wrapped around like a thick layer of snow. One theory by Russian scientists suggests that Mount Kailash is way too perfect in terms of symmetry, shape, and size that it barely appears to be carved out of the natural occurrence. The other scientists say that the Mount has striking similarities with a pyramid or cathedral of Egypt.

Mount Kailash NFTs Examples