North Korea

North Korea, also called the ''hermit kingdom,'' is the most isolated and secretive country in the world.


The roughly 24 million people who live in the totalitarian state have minimal interaction with the outside world. Foreign media is forbidden, interaction with tourists is strictly controlled and the Internet is inaccessible to almost everyone.


I have strong desire to deeply know the most isolated and secretive country. When I visited North Korea, I tried to wear formal cloth to look like a local to touch North Korea people real life because most of locals wear formal clothes either. Unfortunately,my image not look like a local even I wear formal cloth. My whole trip in North Korea was accompanied by 3 local tour guides. Tourists were not allowed to touch local people without accompany with local tour guides. The only chance I had to touch locals is to touch tour guides, government or military officials, so I seized all opportunities as much as possible to touch them.

North Korea show best face to foreign tourists. Although I hardly saw any person who overweight at North Korea,they provided rich dishes to tourists. All visiting locations show best sites of the country.

North Korea has 24 million people, but they have 1 million military.The highest military civilian ratio in the world. I could see soldiers almost everywhere at North Korea.

I could saw their leaders relative items almost everywhere, including leaders’ pictures,leaders’ statues, leaders’ quotations, and so on. The mass media in North Korea is the most strictly controlled in the world.They only have 5 TV channels, and most contents of televisions are to propagate and praise their leaders.


Demilitarized Zone (North Korea Side)

The Korean Demilitarized Zone is a strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula near the 38th parallel north. The demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a border barrier that divides the peninsula roughly in half. It was established to serve as a buffer zone between the countries of North Korea and South Korea under the provisions of the Korean Armistice Agreement in 1953, an agreement between North Korea, China, and the United Nations Command.

   North Korea NFTs example